
Hello and welcome to my blog. I’m Catherine Cronin – educator, researcher and PhD candidate in CELT (Centre for Excellence in Learning & Teaching) at the National University of Ireland, Galway. My work focuses on openness and open education, digital identity practices, and exploring the boundary between formal and informal learning. I’m currently working towards a PhD exploring the use of open educational practices in higher education.

My academic background includes a B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, M.Eng. Systems Engineering, and M.A. Women’s Studies (Gender & Technology). I’ve been involved in teaching, research and advocacy in higher education and in the community for over 25 years. My most recent work, apart from my current research, includes collaborating to create the GoOPEN wiki, engagement in the global #icollab network, teaching #CT231, and facilitating workshops on digital identity and open education for educators and students. I am a regular contributor to conversations and collaborative projects in the area of open education, both within Ireland and globally. My most recent publication is Openness and praxis: Exploring open educational practices in higher education; other publications are available on Google Scholar.

You can contact me on Twitter @catherinecronin or via email: catherine[dot]cronin[at]nuigalway[dot]ie


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